Spring 1999 Spring 1998 Spring 2000 Voss Collection This man never ceases to amaze me. His past collections are still as relevant and breathtaking as his present collections.
Strobe lights and blown speakers Fireworks and hurricanes I’m not here This isn’t happening I’m not here I’m not here via Fashion Gone Rogue, sabino, and rattlingbones
{WOMEN} I really LOVE the 90s florals (duh). THE LACE MOTORCYCLE JACKET IS INGENIOUS, WOW. The shoes, bags, and the sheer body suit are all really aesthetically pleasing to my eyes as well. Way to step it up, H&M.
{MEN} I can honestly say that I would wear ALL of those sweaters. I love the sheer cardigan the most. The accessories for men this season are also really nice, and could work for women as well.
Just another fashion blog, I'm not doing anything revolutionary here. These are musings about my life, things I like, and things that inspire me. Hopefully, in return, I can inspire you.